The Magic of Thinking Big Review


Thinking Big Matters

When you think big you will achieve more. Thinking big can start with the right choice of book. It can be difficult to find a good book if you aren’t already in the habit of reading regularly. I originally decided to read “The Magic of Thinking Big” because I had seen the name in multiple books and I had 2 mentors recommend it to me. I didn’t find this book on my own, someone shared it with me and now I want to share it with you.

How The Way You Think Makes a Difference

Your mind is a powerful thing. It dictates what you are going to do at any point in time. If you want to have a great life you need to start out by thinking in great ways. The person with positive thinking will have a much more positive life than the person that has negative thinking. If you want to achieve your goals, the really big goals, you are going to have to start thinking big.

The Magic of Thinking Big
The Magic of Thinking Big

David Schwartz gave us the book “The Magic of Thinking Big” because he realized how important it was to think big. In this book there are many chapters that can make a difference in your life. I picked 3 to summarize because I want you to get a taste for the book. These 3 lessons come from the first 30 pages of the book. Can you believe that it has over 300 pages and in the first 30 pages David Schwartz was able to create 3 life changing lessons? Now let’s take a look at those lessons.

Win Success by Believing You Can Succeed

Success starts with your mindset. When you think you can do something it is more likely to happen. Be optimistic about what you can achieve. Ask for more than you normally would and believe that you deserve it. Everything in your life is center around your mind and the way you think. Once you can believe you’re successful you will become successful.

Get Big Results by Believing Big

Believe you are worth more. Don’t let yourself get in the habit of thinking you are second best. If you do you will only get second best results. Go big and believe you deserve big results. You are the most important person in your life. Make decisions that show how important you are and get the results you deserve. Never settle for second best.

Plan a Concrete Success-Building Program

Success is built on the plan that you follow. You must create a plan that follows the steps and experiences of the successful people that came before you. Question how they have done it and what you need to do to replicate it. You are going to create a personal training program for yourself. Your goal is to continuously grow and pursue self-development. Seek mentorships, training, and insight that will guide you on your way to success.

About the Author

David J Schwartz
David J Schwartz

I’ve mentioned the author multiple times at this point but he has helped millions of people achieve more. David Schwartz wasn’t just a best selling author. He was a professor at Georgia State University. He also created his own company Creative Educational Services Inc. Dr. Schwartz was an amazing man that wanted to see more people succeed. Here are a few motivational quotes from Dr. Schwartz that you can apply to your life.

“Do what you fear and fear disappears”

“Think little goals and expect little achievements. Thing big goals and wing big success”

“How we think shows in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking”

Reflecting on Others Experience

As you can see David Schwartz was a firm believer that your mind controls your life. It can be hard to understand this at first because it is such a simple concept. The more you think about it the more you will realize that small choices make big impacts. The 3 chapters I shared with you are not enough to fully grasp the concept of Thinking Big but they are a great start. If you want to improve your life with the power of your own mind, I highly recommend picking up the book “The Magic of Thinking Big”. You won’t regret it, I know I didn’t!

Why You Need an E-Reader Today!


E-Readers Are The Future

Reading is something that everyone should do everyday. There is so much you can get out of reading. The problem is we are consumed by technology that takes us away from reading. If you ask anyone successful reading is part of the key to their success. They might even say they read every day. Getting an E-Reader can change the way you look at reading. They are definitely one piece of technology that will bring reading back into your life. At this point you’ve probably heard E-Readers like the Nook or Kindle. If you’ve ever wondered why you should buy one keep reading!

What Makes E-Readers Great? 

Reading is something that can be challenging to do in modern times. We are always on the go and trying to make the most of our days. Regular books just don’t have the kind of features that make them fit into our modern lives. Not that regular books have any real flaws, I have a library growing and I love it! E-Readers definitely have an advantage here just look at these benefits.


The Nook and the Kindle both have apps that allow you to have access to your books anytime. You can install these apps on phones, tablets, and computers. You may have bought the book specifically for your E-Reader but it’s not stuck there. If you are on the go you can read from your phone!


One of the biggest challenges with reading a regular book is getting the right lighting. With most E-Readers (the cheaper ones skip over this perk) you having settings for the backlight. That means no more carrying around a light or struggling to find a place to sit with the right lighting. You could read in a dark closet if you wanted to! There is no limit to where you can read when you have a built in light.

Multiple Books 

This isn’t for everyone but I enjoy reading 2 or more books at a time. If you like to switch it up after a chapter or 2 then an E-Reader is a great choice for you. It’s easy to switch between books and you don’t have to carry them around. Even switching devices (hey look at the apps coming in handy) you still have access to the last page you read. If you have a hard time focusing on 1 book for a long period of time, this benefit is for you!


Technology is an amazing thing. At one point in time if you wanted to have access to 100 books you’d have to go to a library. If you wanted to move those books, good luck. Now we have the ability to carry 100 books easily in 1 hand. If you’ve ever lugged around a 1,000 page book you’ll understand how nice it is to not carry around 1,000 pages. You can easily slip an E-Reader into a pocket, purse, or backpack. It will barely make any difference.

Library ServicesLibrary Services

Depending on the E-Reader you choose you may have access to library like services. You can avoid buying every book and start checking them out. With these services you can even look back at your history and easily recheck out books. If you already love the library you’ll love not having to commute or wait for a book to be returned by someone else. E-Libraries will change the future of reading!

Types of E-Readers

After reading through all those perks you may be wondering “What’s the best E-Reader?” and the answer is it depends. Every E-Reader is going to have its own services, operating systems, and features that may vary. What I can do is give you a list of the 3 most common E-Readers brands on the market.

You can’t go wrong with any of these brands. Pick one that has the features you think suit you best. After you’ve picked one enjoy it and don’t look back!

Enjoy a New Experience

Nothing beats sitting down with a good book. Now you have even more options to dive into reading. If you aren’t already reading everyday, use this as an opportunity to create a great and long lasting habit! Remember reading is a keystone habit and can foster other great habits. Speaking of great habits, this is one to share with the people you care about. Don’t let them living a life without reading!

Now that you see how great E-Readers are, it’s time to do some research. If you’ve taken anything from this post it should be that there are a ton of options out there and it’s up to you to decide what’s best. I want you to take the time to research 3 models of E-Reader. You don’t have to buy one (even if you should!) but take the time to compare 3. Once you’ve picked your favorite make a plan to buy one. Tell the same family member or friend from before that they are holding you accountable for your plan. Don’t let something small hold you back from reading more often!