9 Concepts For The Pursuit of Excellence

Always try to win your own race.

I’m sure you’re wondering “What is the pursuit of excellence and why should I care?”. The pursuit of excellence has different results for everyone but the process of achieving excellence are the same.

The pursuit of excellence is the idea that you can always keep moving towards your ideal image of yourself. The end goal is to become successful. I’m an advocate for everyone creating their own version of success so what I think is successful may not be what you believe is successful.

On the journey to your own success you will learn many things and get to experience more of life than if you sit tight and hope everything falls in place. You are the driver of the car that is your life, you get to make the decisions of where you go.

Pursuing excellence is the way to achieve the things you dream of having. If you spend the time learning how to take the next step in life, someday you will have walked to your goals.

Now that we have what the pursuit of excellence is on our mind, let’s take a look at 9 concepts that will help you get started on your pursuit of excellence.

1. Find What Gives You Motivation And Leverage It

When you trying to find your motivator you will need to ask two questions. What is my one thing that motivates me to do everything?  The second question is why is this one things so important to me? Your one thing and your why should give you an emotional response when you think about it. My one thing is my family. I do everything so that my family can live a better life, so that they don’t have to live through the hardships that I did. If you don’t feel an emotional connection with you motivator dig deeper and find something that drives you towards excellence.

2. Make Big Goals That Can Be Broken Down

A big goal can seem impossible to reach. The best thing you can do for yourself is to make your goal bigger than you think you can ever achieve. Once you have your BIG goal break it down into manageable piece. If you can break your goal down to what you can do today, this week, this month, this year, or in 5 years. You will be able to achieve parts of your goals making the big goal not seem as bad. If your goal is 10 time bigger than you planned and you reach 10 percent, you reached your original goal.

3. Create a Vision Board

A vision board can tie together your why with your goal. You should create a vision board and hang it somewhere that you will see everyday. Your vision board should include your big thing and your why. Use words and pictures that excite you and give you inspiration. As your goals evolve add to your vision board.

4. Track Your Progress

One of the hardest parts of pursuing excellence is keeping on track and moving towards your goal. Finding a way to keep track of your progress will help you see that you are moving in the right direction. When you feel good about your progress it will be easier to keep moving forward.

5. Find a Mentor to Guide You

A mentor is someone that has already achieved what you want. If you find someone that is ready to teach you what they’ve learned they can kick your progress into high gear. Your mentor will have already made more mistakes and learned more than you can imagine. Take their advice and you will improve faster than you thought possible.

6. Tell The People Around You

The people you spend most of your time with have a huge influence on your life. If you tell them what you are doing and they are supportive stick with them. If they question why you want more for yourself find new people that will support you.  The higher the achievers you spend time with the more their personalities will be ingrained in yours and you will achieve more.

7. Be Confident in Your Choices

Confidence is a huge factor in the way the world sees you. Make sure that you always are firm with your decisions, your whys and you goals. Once you move forward don’t look back and question why you didn’t make a different choice. Own what you have and work with it.

8. Keep Learning When You’re Passionate

Your passion is the most important thing for your dream. If you love working on cars, doing math, creating website, or working with money, never stop learning about it. If you keep learning you will one day become an expert in your field. That is one example of excellence and success.  Never stop learning.

9. Never Give Up

Giving up is the best way to achieve failure. Never give up on yourself. You may have to change paths or look at things from a different perspective but never give up. With enough trial and error, someday you will achieve everything you’ve ever wanted.

I’ve decided to dedicate my life to helping others improve theirs. If you want to be part of helping others pursue excellence and become successful in their own way, sign up for our email updates so you can be part of the movement towards a better life.


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