Be Who You Want To Be

Just be Yourself
Being yourself is the most important part of living.

Becoming the person you want to be

What does it mean to be who you want to be? Being who you want to be means going out and doing things for you. There is no one in this world that is more important in your life than yourself. Take the time to get to know who you are and who you want to be so you can be happy and live a fulfilled life. Knowing who you are is only half the battle. You have to fully understand yourself to make this concept work. Visualize who you want to be in the future. Now look at where you are now. If you don’t see the same person it’s time to get to work. If you do see the same person that’s awesome and you are probably already living your dream. Now let’s get back to what you need to do to be who you want to be.

There are going to be a few steps to finding yourself and growing into who you want to be. They aren’t hard steps and each one that you follow will get you closer to your dream life. Let’s take a look at what those steps are going to be.

Step 1) Take time to write down what you believe in

This step is about getting all of who you are on paper. You will need to thoroughly look at everything that makes you who you are and explain why you are like that. The smaller you can break things down the easier it will be to fine tune things in the future.

You will need to explain in detail why you believe the things you do and why you don’t believe in the things you don’t. This goes for your moral and ethical beliefs. It is easy to get caught up in the fast paced world but this is a time to sit down and really get to know yourself, think it through.

If you see something missing from your list you’ll need to create a seperate list. This new list is things to improve on. This will be very important in the next step.

Step 2) Look for places on your list that you can improve

This is the step when you start building your character and start becoming who you want to be. What it comes down to is taking your list of missing attributes and finding ways to add them to your life.

The best way to go about this step is to find a mentor that has experience and can teach you from their mistakes. Mentors can be anyone from the people around you to authors of books that you’ve read. Take the advice of others and take advantage of what has come before you.

Step 3) Focus on what you believe is right

You are going to be learning and exploring a ton of information while on the journey of becoming yourself. During this journey you will need to expand upon the things you believe are right in the world.  Adjust your life and surround yourself with like minded people. The more things you do to improve yourself the happier you will be.

An important part of learning is sharing knowledge. During this step you should seek out people that are willing and interested in learning from you. Teach them the ways of “being who you want to be” become the mentor that you sought out during Step 2.

Step 4) Become passionate about the things you enjoy

This is the last major step in being who you want to be. You may have hobbies or interests but this is the time to turn them into a passion. Passions are the easiest things to learn and the easiest things for you to teach. You can become passionate about improving skills that you previously lacked. This is the time to get involved with whatever you are passionate about. Volunteer time, teach others or spend more time on your hobby. Eventually your passion will be part of your life and people will know you for it. This circles around to being who you want to be because you are truly the person doing the things you enjoy and are passionate about.

Learning is the key to living your dream

The most important thing to take away from “being who you want to be” is to keep learning. The only way to ever progress in life is to continue your education. It doesn’t matter if it is school, reading books or getting a mentor that helps you learn new things. as long as you are improving your life you will be able to live your dream. Use the idea of “being who you want to be” as a stepping on your Pursuit of Excellence.